Audio amplifier with crossover

Two way 20 watts audio amplifier

This is a 20 watts audio amplifier is supplied with a voltage 14.4 volts, giving a total power of 20 watts into two different channels, each of which is connected to the tweeter and a woofer. […]

10 w mosfet amplifier

10 watts Mosfet Audio Amplifier

The scheme presented here is a MOSFET 10W audio amplifier circuit which requires only single power supply. Single rail supply is rarely used in Class-B power amplifiers. Anyway, it’s good enough for low power applications. In […]

36 watt power amp based TDA1562q

36 Watt Audio Power Amplifier based on TDA1562Q

The amplifier based on the class H from Philips audio amplifier IC, it can deliver 36W RMS and 70W power music, all from the supply voltage of 13.8V.  This amplifier can provide 36W RMS continuous into 4 ohm load when using a 13.8Vsupply.