This is the circuit design of 1000W stereo audio amplifier. It is a very good design to assemble, easy to build from your board to the acquisition of components, the output transistors are the COMPLEMENTAR 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 relatively cheap and with very good result. In the power supply module we have 6 capacitors 4700uF/80v or more and one 50A bridge rectifier diode, this design can be in versions mono (500 Watts) or stereo (1000 Watts), if it is to mount it in the stereo version it is good to use a transformer of at least 8 Amperes and the voltage in both versions has to be 50v + 50v with central bypass, this transformer can be toroidal or ordinary.
Stereo Audio Amplifier Part Lists
10 Transistors 2SC5200
10 Transistors 2SA1943
4 Transistors C2073
4 Transistors A940
20 Resistors of 2.2 ohms 1/2W
20 Resistors of 0.33 ohms 5W
4 Resistors of 10 ohms 1W
4 Resistors of 100 ohms 1W
4 Resistors of 5.6K 1W
10 Resistors of 100 ohms 1/4W
4 Resistors of 330 ohms 1/4W
4 Resistors of 1K 1/4W
4 Resistors of 18K 1/4W
2 Resistors of 33K 1/4W
2 Resistors of 56K 1/4W
6 Capacitors of 4700uF/80V or more
6 Capacitors of 100uF/50V
2 Capacitors of 1uF/50V
2 Capacitors of 100pF ceramic
2 Capacitors of 15pF ceramic
4 Capacitors of 330pF ceramic
4 Capacitors of 680pF ceramic
4 Capacitors of 220 pF to ceramic
2 Capacitors of 0.1uF (104) / 250V polyester
5 Capacitors of 0.1uF (104) / 100V polyester
2 Integrated Circuits TL071 or UA741
4 15-volt to 1W zener diodes
4 Diodes 1N4007
1 Diode bridge of 35 amps or more. Best if it is 50 Amp
2 Small 2-pin GP connectors
2 large 3-pin Molex connectors
2 large 6-pin Molex connectors
1 50vx50v transformer, or up to 55x55V AC with current 15 amps minimum (stereo version)
2 Sockets for 8-pin integrated
4 sinks of 22 x 10 x 2.5 centimeters
24 mica insulation
1000W Stereo Audio Amplifier PCB Design

Please send me the circuit. Looks interesting.
hi the amplifier 1000W Stereo Audio Amplifier with Transistors 2SC5200 and 2SA1943″ it is working fine
I need a image of this board, after all parts solder. Please send a complete board image.
hi you can send me .pcb layout component placement and schematic diagram for 2000watts amplifier
Hello, can I use jrc4558 in place of 741?
Yes you can but you should observe the pin configuration each of them. TL071 is single drive, jrc 4558 is dual driver.
Is this design working fine?\\
Can I replace 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 with
2SC3858 and 2SA1494 in order to get 1000w per channel. If yes, what would I have to change in this circuit. And what’s the input sensitivity of this circuit, at what db level would I get maximum output. Thanks
Hello, can I use jrc4558 in place of
No because their is a lot difference between terminals configuration
Hello,, can i use 2n3773 alternate 2sc5200 in place ?????
This amplifier circuit is working fine.
my test results
1, voltage-60+60 dc
2, input voltage – 1.2 v rms sine wave
3, amplifier giving output- 294 watts rms@8 ohms load
4 , dc current 2.65 ampere.
Friends this is not a 1000 watts amplifier.this amp give only approximate 350 watts rms @ 8 ohms load.
change R3,R4 2W,D1,D2-1W
Note this is 1000W ‘Stereo’ Audio Amplifier @ 4 ohms load, stereo means that there 2 identical power amplifier board circuit ( 500W + 500 W). Sir can you make a test at 4 0hms load? Thank you
how can reduce humming?
What is no of 8 pole ic.
Can u pleas sent pcb layout nd circuit diagram t0
Can We use 40-0-40 Volts for this Amp? It is very difficult to find 50-0-50 Volts.
Thank You,
Yes, you can use 40-0-40 but you will not be able to get maximum volume that you want, or you may connect the capacitor in series to get higher DC Voltage.
Sound quality of this circuit???
I need a image of this board, after all parts solder. Please send a complete board image.
C4007, what can use in this place??
untuk ngangkat 2×15″ kuat gak ??
saan b pwede bumili ng PCB layout
sir,saan b pwede bumili ng PCB layout
Sir Maine 2chanal banaye h but power transistor 5200 and1943 me heating problem as Rahi h ,, Power supply 70_0_70 dc use Kiya h
I try this circuits is oky thanks developer
Sir can i used -78+78v ? What is the maxim supply can be used ?
Hi good day, I would like to ask the amplifier 1000W Stereo Audio Amplifier with Transistors 2SC5200 and 2SA1943″ it is working. Can you send me pcb layout component placement and schematic diagram?
Download Circuit and PCB files from
I’ve just finished this…the sound is good.
Many thanks for sharing this circuit.
I made this circuit but i have a problem with that. It is not working. I supplied 25-0-25 volts and the speeker poped out. Speeker out shows 25 volts output and it stops when i remove tl071. Is there anyone who can help me please ?
check a940&c2073 its drivers cercute ceeck carefully all best
Can somebody send me the gerber file PCB layout…. or if some body is having additional PCB if ordered then please let me know my Mobile number is 9953711932 and email ID
thank you very much i gona build 1 soon
Hello sir I need 1000W Stereo Audio Amplifier with Transistors 2SC5200 and 2SA1943
pcb layout component placement and schematic diagram.
How to connect this amplifier in bridge for subwoofer use
Fast PCB prototype:In 24 hours.
Our philosophy: Fast, Accurate, Excellence!
Sorry but in this SCH Q1and Q2 amps the PSU noise! Especially by high power. I bilt the same principe amp end analised this effect.
Sorry but in this SCH Q1and Q2 amps the PSU noise. Especially by high power. I bilt the same principe amp end analised this effect.
How can PCB engineers design excellent PCB samples
The circuit is not working. There is an error in the circuit. negative voltage is output from the output.
The circuit works perfectly fine I used 42.0.42 supply and 2 pairs of the output transistor. Driver section tlo 71 and tip 122 & 127 Darlington transistors.
It is simply good
a very good amplifier ckt.working good.try to add more o/p pairs for final stage.i modify this ckt for adding more power (95vdc/20A and 24 o/p transistors) for 1ch.working good.but it burned my one 1000W 8ohm woofer while dj event in public.(i think <1000W produce)however this is good amp.thanks.
good one
I like to know about the inductor used in this schematic. give me some idea about 6uh inductor or 0.6uh inductor.
I know that this is an old query but 28 turns of wire around a 1 cm core of wood, aluminium, cord etc, but NOT iron or similar metal, to give a coil around 5.16cm long, will give you and inductor of around 6 micro-henrys. I hope this helps
how about the volume
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Layout of the components:
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Best one very good
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Besides, in laying out PCB components of LED switching power supply, it is suggested that engineers should arrange the position of every functional circuit based on the procedure of the circuits. This kind of layout will will the signal flow more effectively and rapidly and make the signals maintain the same direction. In laying out PCB board, the first principle is to ensure routing rate; connection between the flying lines should also be paid special attention; components connected with wires should be put together. The size of loop should be reduced to the minimum extend to stop radiated disturbance of the switching power.
onde é que vão sair os 1000W de uma fonte com apenas 5A , qual foi o idiota que postou isso
Hi I will like to know if I can use all NPN transistors for the output stage and if yes how will the utput transistor base line feed from. Thanks
Mene iske 2 board banay 45/0/45ka transformer use kiya saund master 400watt ke 2 speakar 60watt ka hf use kiya ek board me bhut achchha bolta h ye board koi kami nahi lagi ekdam kam buget me mast laga
Is it working on 24-0-24 transformer ?
Please suggest. Thanks
Can I use 24-0-24 AC (35/-35 DC) transformer for this circuit.
Its working very well, I have build it and I have got what I needed, good quality sound with a low distortion.. generally it very smart and easy to make.
need a layout for milling please
i made this audio very fine.nice pure output.i m looking to forward to make this amp in bridge mode.thanks
I hope someone gets this and can help.
The transformer you say 8 amps at the top for stereo, but in the parts list you say 16 amp
Is this 8amp per winding, as most transformers are sold like this. Thanks
Mene iske 2 board banay 45/0/45ka transformer use kiya saund master 400watt ke 2 speakar 60watt ka hf use kiya ek board me bhut achchha bolta h ye board koi kami nahi lagi ekdam kam buget me mast laga thank you, from kolkata india,
I was trying out your amp,I used BD 140/139 for Q1 and Q2,and tip 41/42 for Q4 and Q3,tlo72,-/+17.2vplus minus,(12v in series with 5.6v zener).PSU is -45 and +45 Everything else is the same.
At low volume below 20watts of power,sound is clean but as u increase there is very unpleasant distortion as if speakers are cut or damaged.
Speakers are fine,and play well on another amp.
Help me out here,what could cause such noise
Your fan.
visit my blog there I have written similar articles
Please send me the cost to purchase a kit for the 1000-watt amplifier.
I thank you very much